Adblocker Adsense Notification for Kompi Ajaib
Greetings Blogger, this time I will share a tutorial on how to provide adsense adblocker notifications when users access the blog and activate the adblock extension in the browser.
I got this tutorial from the Kompi Ajaib blog managed by admin + Adhy Suryadi who always gives useful blogger tips and tips and he really inspired me to build a better blog. Regarding the explanation why you need to Add Adblocker Adsense Notification on your blog, you can visit the source at
In this tutorial, I only modify the notification display from the source I mentioned above. Display Adblocker Adsense notifications will appear if you activate the adblock extension in the browser will look like the image below
Make Adblocker Adsense Notifications with Magic Company
Here I give 2 different styles as shown below
First, open Blogger> Template> Click Edit HTML> Add CSS following before the code ]]></b:skin> or </style>
Also add CSS below (smartphone display only)
Then add the JavaScript below before the code </body>
Next, add the free HTML below in the <body> and </body> codes
If you want to hide the above code from your smartphone and static pages, you can wrap the code with a conditional tag like the example below
Finished! Save the template and see the results.
How to Hide Blog Content If Javascript Is Disabled
Here is an additional trick if the user disables / blocks Javascript specific site addresses in browser settings, this usually happens when the user wants to disable certain functions on the site he is blocking. The way this trick works is to hide the contents of the blog content with a notification display like in the tutorial above. Here I take advantage of noscript conditions when a webpage is loaded, below are examples of images of sites that are blocked
Here's How to Hide Blog Content If Javascript is Disabled, add the following code before </head>
Then add the following code just below the <body>
Similarly, a short tutorial on How to Make Adblocker Adsense Notifications for Kompi Ajaib. Hopefully useful for all friends, thank you.
I got this tutorial from the Kompi Ajaib blog managed by admin + Adhy Suryadi who always gives useful blogger tips and tips and he really inspired me to build a better blog. Regarding the explanation why you need to Add Adblocker Adsense Notification on your blog, you can visit the source at
In this tutorial, I only modify the notification display from the source I mentioned above. Display Adblocker Adsense notifications will appear if you activate the adblock extension in the browser will look like the image below
Make Adblocker Adsense Notifications with Magic Company
Here I give 2 different styles as shown below
Style 1
Style 2
/* Notifikasi Adblocker Adsense */
#keep-ads{padding:0;position:fixed;bottom:0;opacity:0;height:auto;transition:all .6s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1);-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);transform:translateZ(0);backface-visibility:hidden;transition:all .2s ease-in-out,visibility 0s;transform-origin:bottom center;}
.keep-adsme{background:#e74c3c;color:#fff;position:absolute;text-align:center;padding:0 30px 30px 30px;margin:auto;top:30%;left:0;right:0;font-size:1.5rem;line-height:1.5;font-family:monospace;max-width:930px;box-shadow:0 20px 10px -10px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);transition:all .6s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1);border:15px solid rgba(0,0,0,.07);overflow:hidden;}
.keep-adsme:hover{box-shadow:0 20px 10px -10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);}
.keep-adsme h4{display:inline-block;background:rgba(0,0,0,.07);padding:5px 25px 15px 25px;font-size:2.2rem;margin:0 auto}
#keep-ads p{margin:0}
#keep-ads a{color:#ffe88b;}#keep-ads a:hover{color:#ffe88b;text-decoration:underline}{left:0;top:0;right:0;z-index:1000;pointer-events:auto;opacity:1;visibility:visible;transform:rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) scale(1);animation:wobble .7s;opacity:1;}
.close-keep-ads{visibility:hidden;opacity:0;color:#ffe88b;text-align:center;position:absolute;bottom:10px;right:10px;font-size:42px;cursor:pointer;width:30px;height:30px;line-height:30px;border-radius:100%;transition:all .6s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1);transform:translate(0,50px);}
.keep-adsme:hover .close-keep-ads{visibility:visible;opacity:1;color:#ffe88b;transform:translate(0,0);}
#keep-ads p span {font-family:fontawesome;font-size:5rem;}
@keyframes wobble{0%{transform:scale(0) rotate(-54deg) translatey(40px)}45%{transform:scale(1.1) rotate(20deg) translatey(0px)}60%{transform:scale(1) rotate(-15deg) translatey(0px)}77%{transform:scale(1) rotate(10deg) translatey(0px)}100%{transform:translatey(0)}}
/* Notifikasi Adblocker Adsense */
#keep-ads{padding:0;position:fixed;bottom:0;opacity:0;height:auto;transition:all .6s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1);-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);transform:translateZ(0);backface-visibility:hidden;transition:all .2s ease-in-out,visibility 0s;transform-origin:bottom center;}
.keep-adsme{background:#e74c3c;color:#fff;position:absolute;text-align:center;padding:0;margin:auto;top:30%;left:0;right:0;font-size:1.2rem;line-height:1.5;max-width:930px;box-shadow:0 0 50px rgba(0,0,0,0.25);transition:all .6s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1);overflow:hidden}
.keep-adsme:hover{box-shadow:0 0 20px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);}
.keep-adsme h4{background:#d04537;color:#fff;padding:15px 25px;font-size:2.2rem;margin:0 auto;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.1);}
.keep-me{border-top:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.1);padding:10px 30px 50px 30px}
#keep-ads p{margin:0}
#keep-ads a{color:#ffe88b;}#keep-ads a:hover{color:#ffe88b;text-decoration:underline}{left:0;top:0;right:0;z-index:1000;pointer-events:auto;opacity:1;visibility:visible;transform:rotateX(0deg) rotateY(0deg) rotateZ(0deg) scale(1);animation:wobble .7s;opacity:1;}
.close-keep-ads{visibility:hidden;opacity:0;color:#ffe88b;text-align:center;position:absolute;bottom:10px;right:10px;font-size:32px;cursor:pointer;width:30px;height:30px;line-height:30px;border-radius:100%;transition:all .6s cubic-bezier(.25,.8,.25,1);transform:translate(0,50px);}
.keep-adsme:hover .close-keep-ads{visibility:visible;opacity:1;color:#ffe88b;transform:translate(0,0);}
#keep-ads p span {font-family:fontawesome;font-size:5rem;}
@keyframes wobble{0%{transform:scale(0) rotate(-54deg) translatey(40px)}45%{transform:scale(1.1) rotate(20deg) translatey(0px)}60%{transform:scale(1) rotate(-15deg) translatey(0px)}77%{transform:scale(1) rotate(10deg) translatey(0px)}100%{transform:translatey(0)}}
Also add CSS below (smartphone display only)
<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobileRequest == "true"'>
<style type='text/css'>
.keep-adsme h4{background:transparent;font-size:1.5rem;margin:40px auto 0 auto;}
.close-keep-ads{text-align:center;visibility:visible;opacity:1;color:#fff;bottom:20px;right:20px;padding:0;font-size:32px;width:38px;height:38px;line-height:32px;border-radius:100%;border:2px solid #fff;transform:translate(0,0);}
.close-keep-ads:hover,.keep-adsme:hover .close-keep-ads{background:#fff;color:#e74c3c;}
Then add the JavaScript below before the code </body>
<script type='text/javascript'>
// Notifikasi Adblocker Adsense
function hidekeep(){document.getElementById("keep-ads").style.display="none"}setTimeout(function(){var e=document.getElementById("keep-ads"),t=document.querySelectorAll("ins.adsbygoogle");0===$(t).height()&&(e.className="show")},2e3);
Next, add the free HTML below in the <body> and </body> codes
<div id='keep-ads'>
<div class='keep-adsme'>
<p><h4>Adblock Detected</h4></p>
<p><span><i aria-hidden='true' class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle'/></span></p>
<p>Like this blog? Keep us running by whitelisting this blog in your ad blocker</p>
<p>This is <a href='' target='_blank' title='Show me how'>how to whitelisting</a> this blog in your ad blocker</p>
<p>Thank you</p>
<div class='close-keep-ads' onclick='hidekeep()'>×</div>
<div id='keep-ads'>
<div class='keep-adsme'>
<p><h4>Adblock Detected</h4></p>
<div class='keep-me'>
<p><span><i aria-hidden='true' class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle'/></span></p>
<p>Like this blog? Keep us running by whitelisting this blog in your ad blocker</p>
<p>This is <a href='' target='_blank' title='Show me how'>how to whitelisting</a> this blog in your ad blocker</p>
<p>Thank you</p>
<div class='close-keep-ads' onclick='hidekeep()'>×</div>
Here I add a fontawesome icon and make sure on your blog you have added the css fontawesome library. If not, you can delete the marked code.Edit the code marked by changing the link with the destination url. I get an example of the article in the link from the Magic Company blog.
If you want to hide the above code from your smartphone and static pages, you can wrap the code with a conditional tag like the example below
Make sure you don't use this method if you want to bring up a notification on the smartphone
<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobileRequest == "false"'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != "static_page"'>
<div id='keep-ads'>
<div class='keep-adsme'>
<p><h4>Adblock Detected</h4></p>
<p><span><i aria-hidden='true' class='fa fa-exclamation-triangle'/></span></p>
<p>Like this blog? Keep us running by whitelisting this blog in your ad blocker</p>
<p>This is <a href='' target='_blank' title='Show me how'>how to whitelisting</a> this blog in your ad blocker</p>
<p>Thank you</p>
<div class='close-keep-ads' onclick='hidekeep()'>×</div>
Finished! Save the template and see the results.
How to Hide Blog Content If Javascript Is Disabled
Additional Tricks, examples like in the picture above
Here is an additional trick if the user disables / blocks Javascript specific site addresses in browser settings, this usually happens when the user wants to disable certain functions on the site he is blocking. The way this trick works is to hide the contents of the blog content with a notification display like in the tutorial above. Here I take advantage of noscript conditions when a webpage is loaded, below are examples of images of sites that are blocked
Here's How to Hide Blog Content If Javascript is Disabled, add the following code before </head>
<style type='text/css'>
/* No Script */
.noscript{background:#e74c3c;color:#fff;padding:8% 0 0 0;position:fixed;bottom:0;left:0;top:0;right:0;z-index:1000;height:auto;-webkit-transform:translateZ(0);transform:translateZ(0);overflow:hidden}
.noscript p{margin:0;text-align:center;padding:0 20px 10px 20px;margin:auto;font-size:3rem;line-height:1.5;font-family:monospace;max-width:1010px;text-transform:uppercase;font-weight:700}
.noscript p span{color:#ffe88b;font-size:10rem;line-height:normal;font-weight:normal}
Then add the following code just below the <body>
<div class='noscript'>
<p>Please Enable Javascript to view our site content</p>
<p>Thank you</p>
Finally, save the template.Similarly, a short tutorial on How to Make Adblocker Adsense Notifications for Kompi Ajaib. Hopefully useful for all friends, thank you.
Bantu berikan donasi jika artikelnya dirasa bermanfaat. Donasi Anda membantu Admin untuk lebih giat lagi dalam membagikan template blog yang berkualitas. Terima kasih.
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