Speed up Loading Blog with Expires Headers
Speed up Loading Blog with Expires Headers - Can not be denied, at this time blog owners compete with each other to fix their blogs, to get the maximum loading speed of the blog both from the desktop display and mobily display (HP), well ... Competition is getting tighter suck the attention of visitors, if your blog is heavy loading it is clear that visitors will not feel at home for a long time, think so.
Expires Headers
Leverage browser Expires Headers is related to web pages like images, css, javascript, and so on. So, when you reopen the same web page, the web page will open faster, because the files that have to be downloaded initially are now stored in the storage media.
Basically Leverage browser caching has definitions Set expires dates in static HTTP headers. Order the browser to load the Source Code that was downloaded earlier in the storage media. Caching, its function is to regulate the length of time the file has been downloaded when opening.
To be sure, you can check the blog template first, beforehand please open the Gmetrix page, enter the URL of your blog and see the results.
To overcome this, you can add a script, place the code below just above the code </head>
Preview your template, if it's okay, just click save, then test your blog template again to the Gmetrix page, and see the results.
Below is an image after the code is installed above, there is a slight increase and the page load time is reduced.
Usually the expires header changes in the Yslow section on the Gmetrix page can see the results a day later, but if you test the speed of your blog there has been a change, meaning the process of adding a script has been successful. So Speed Up Loading Blog with Expires Headers, these simple tips hopefully useful.
Expires Headers
Leverage browser Expires Headers is related to web pages like images, css, javascript, and so on. So, when you reopen the same web page, the web page will open faster, because the files that have to be downloaded initially are now stored in the storage media.
Basically Leverage browser caching has definitions Set expires dates in static HTTP headers. Order the browser to load the Source Code that was downloaded earlier in the storage media. Caching, its function is to regulate the length of time the file has been downloaded when opening.
To be sure, you can check the blog template first, beforehand please open the Gmetrix page, enter the URL of your blog and see the results.
To overcome this, you can add a script, place the code below just above the code </head>
<include expiration='7d' path='*.css'/>
<include expiration='7d' path='*.js'/>
<include expiration='3d' path='*.gif'/>
<include expiration='3d' path='*.jpeg'/>
<include expiration='3d' path='*.jpg'/>
<include expiration='3d' path='*.png'/>
<meta http-equiv="expires" content="sat, 02 jun 2020 00:00:00 GMT"/>
Preview your template, if it's okay, just click save, then test your blog template again to the Gmetrix page, and see the results.
Below is an image after the code is installed above, there is a slight increase and the page load time is reduced.
Usually the expires header changes in the Yslow section on the Gmetrix page can see the results a day later, but if you test the speed of your blog there has been a change, meaning the process of adding a script has been successful. So Speed Up Loading Blog with Expires Headers, these simple tips hopefully useful.
Bantu berikan donasi jika artikelnya dirasa bermanfaat. Donasi Anda membantu Admin untuk lebih giat lagi dalam membagikan template blog yang berkualitas. Terima kasih.
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